Hunting in Mongolia
Hangai Argali Hunt – 5 days, 5 different areas, average size 48”-52” (Ovis Ammon Darwini – Hangai)
Price includes everything except international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Hangai argali hunt at one of our 5 different hunting areas, depend on scouting to which area to go to, 3000 feet altitude, terrain is usually rolling hills, drive and glass in the morning or late evening to find best ram, once find stalk on foot to shoot at usually 300 yards, average rams are 48”-52” with 18” base, 5 days hunt, camp will be Mongolian Ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV, hunt available July 1st – September 30th, every year.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Drive 5 hours to camp
Day 3 –8. Hunting days
Day 9. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city
Day 10. Return flight international
Gobi Argali Hunt – 5 days, 2 different areas, average size 45-50” (Ovis Ammon Darwini)
Price includes everything except international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Gobi argali hunt at one of our 2 different hunting areas, depend on scouting to which area to hunt, 2000 feet altitude, terrain is usually small Gobi hills, drive and glass in the morning or late evening to find best ram, once find stalk on foot to shoot at usually 300 yards, average rams are 45”-50” with 17” base, 5 days hunt, camp will be Mongolian Ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottledwater, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV, hunt available July 1st – September 30th, every year.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Drive 6 hours to camp
Day 3 –8. Hunting days
Day 9. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city
Day 10. Return flight international
Altai Argali Hunt – 5 days, Uvs province, Lower Altai, average size 53”-55” (Ovis Ammon Ammon)
Price includes everything except international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Altai argali hunt at UVS province Sagil & Bukhmurun town area, borders Russia, which is “Gulzat” locally protected conservation area, has over 2000 argalis in 40km x 50 km mountain ranges, altitude up to 6500 feet, 300 plus rams, average rams are 53” with 20” base, best can be 55”, usually shot at 300 yards, 5 days hunt, camp will be Mongolian Ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV, hunt available July 1st – September 30th, every year.
Itinerary Plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Catch domestic plane to UVS province center airport, and drive 4 hours to camp
Day 3 –8. Hunting days
Day 9. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city by domestic airline
Day 10. Return flight international
Altai Argali Hunt – 10 days, BayanUlgii or Khovd province, High Altai, average size 55”-59” (Ovis Ammon Ammon)
Price includes everything except international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Altai argali hunt in BAYANULGII or KHOVD province, Higher Altai mountain ranges, altitude 6500 feet and up, 10 days hunt, average rams 57” x 20” base, special bigger trophy size rams can be organized specifically, usually shot at 300-500 yards, camp will be Mongolian Ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV, hunt available July 1st – September 30th, every year.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Catch domestic plane to BayanUlgii or Khovd province center airport, and drive 4 hours to
Day 3 –13. Hunting days
Day 14. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city by domestic airline
Day 15. Return flight international
VIP Special Altai Argali Hunt – 10 days, BayanUlgii or Khovd province, High Altai, average size 60” and up (Ovis Ammon Ammon)
Price includes everything except international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Altai argali hunt in BAYANULGII or KHOVD province, Higher Altai mountain ranges, altitude 6500 feet and up, 10 days hunt, special extensive scouted 60”+ horn size rams up to biggest possible, usually shot at 300-500 yards, camp will be Mongolian ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV, hunt available July 1st – September 30th, every year.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Catch domestic plane to BayanUlgii or Khovd province center airport, and drive 4 hours to
Day 3 –13. Hunting days
Day 14. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city by domestic airline
Day 15. Return flight international
Altai Ibex Hunt – 5 days, 2 different areas, average size 38″-42” (Capra Sibirica)
Price includes everything except domestic plane ticket ($300), international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Altai ibex hunt at HOVD & GOBI-ALTAI province, 5 days hunt, higher altitude 8000 feet +, demands good physical ability, rocky mountains, hunts July 15th – October 15th, every year, average billies 40” and up, needs to shoot longer distance 300-600 yards, camp will be Mongolian Ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Catch domestic plane to Gobi-Altai or Khovd province center airport, and drive 6 hours to
Day 3 –8. Hunting days
Day 9. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city by domestic airline
Day 10. Return flight international
Gobi Ibex Hunt – 5 days, 2 different areas, average size 35-40” (Capra Sibirica – Gobi)
Price includes everything except domestic plane ticket ($300), international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Gobi ibexes are 35-40” on average and hunted same region as Altai ibex, but lower desert hills between Altai mountain ranges, 2 hours drive from Altai mountain ranges, usually 200 – 400 yards shot, needs to return to base camp every day, camp will be Mongolian ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV.
Combination Gobi Ibex & Altai Ibex Hunt – 7 days, 2 different areas
Will be hunted from the camp of Altai ibex, after hunting Altai ibex, need to drive down couple of hours to
lower Gobi hills to hunt Gobi ibex and return to camp every day.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Arrive at Ulaanbaatar city airport (meet by Mongol Tour city managers), stay overnight at hotel
(will be reserved by Mongol Tour)
Day 2. Catch domestic plane to Gobi-Altai or Khovd province center airport, and drive 6 hours to
Day 3 –10. Hunting days
Day 11. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city by domestic airline
Day 12. Return flight international
Maral Stag Hunt – 3 days, Tuv province, 2 different areas (Cervus Elephus)
Price includes everything except international trophy shipment cost (around $500).
Maral Stag hunt at TUV province Lun & Undurshireet town area, 3 hours drive from Ulaanbaatar city, rolling hills with few bushes, altitude 3000 feet, hunts August 20th – October 1st, every year, usually 6×6 bulls with heavy antlers, drive with SUV to glass and find preferred bull, stalk on foot to shoot at 300 yards, 3 day hunt, camp will be Mongolian Ger with stove, bed, nicely decorated, food will be basic as beef, chicken, lamb, pork with various vegetables, bottled water, guide, interpreter, helper, cook, driver with hunting SUV. Maral Stag lives in the same area as Hangai argali, and can be combined with argali hunts.
Itinerary plan:
Day 1. Drive 3 hours to camp
Day 2 –3. Hunting days
Day 4. Arrive Ulaanbaatar city
Gazelle trophy fee is $1,500 and can be hunted at same area as Gobi & Hangay argali hunts.
Wolf can be shot when encountered, trophy fee $500.
Clients need to bring their own hunting rifles, maximum of 30 rounds of ammunition per rifle, firearm import permit will be obtained and sent copy to clients 2 weeks prior to arrival, warm sleeping bag, binoculars, rangefinder, spotting scope, and personal gear.

Altai Ibex

Maral hunting

Altai Argali hunting

Gobi Argali hunting